Sensory Activities in Bwlch-newydd

Sensory Activities in Bwlch-newydd

We can provide a number of sensory activities for your school or nursery in order to help improve young children's development.

Sensory Play Ideas in Bwlch-newydd

Sensory Play Ideas in Bwlch-newydd

If you are looking for sensory play ideas, we have a whole host of options for you. We aim to offer the very best prices, so please make sure to contact us.

Messy Play Equipment in Bwlch-newydd

Messy Play Equipment in Bwlch-newydd

We provide a whole range of messy play equipment including sand pits, mud kitchens, finger painting equipment and much more. Get in touch for more details.

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Sensory Playground Equipment in Bwlch-newydd

Sensory playground equipment offers a dynamic and engaging way for children to explore and learn through play in outdoor spaces.

It provides a stimulating environment where they can enhance their sensory experiences while having fun.

This innovative equipment includes tactile, auditory, visual, and vestibular elements that stimulate different senses.


Through interactive play structures like swings, slides, spinning platforms, and climbing walls, children can develop their motor skills, coordination, and spatial awareness.

The diverse textures, colours, and sounds incorporated in the playground equipment create a multisensory experience that encourages exploration and creativity.

Our experts can supply and install a range of sensory equipment, to find out more about the sensory playground equipment which we provide, please fill in the contact form on this page.

What is Sensory Play?

Sensory play is a type of activity which stimulates children's five main senses.

The five senses are sight, sound, touch, taste and smell.

This type of activity allows children to explore their surrounding areas by feeling different textures, creating musical sounds, smelling different scents and a variety of other things.

It is good for children to grasp and move objects with their hands and use their other senses, since it could help them develop.

Sensory activities are particularly good for youngsters with special needs that may require more assistance when learning motor skills like writing. 

What is Sensory Play Equipment?

Sensory play equipment refers to specialised gear designed to engage children in sensory experiences that foster learning and fun. It includes various interactive elements aimed at stimulating the senses while providing an enjoyable play environment.

This equipment can encompass a wide range of items such as sand tables, water tables, sensory bins, textured mats, and more.

Each element is carefully crafted to encourage exploration, creativity, and cognitive development in young minds.

Through sensory play, children can enhance their motor skills, cognitive abilities, and emotional regulation while having a blast.

Furthermore, sensory play helps kids build their vocabulary as they describe different textures, smells, tastes, and sounds they encounter.


We provide a number of unique educational resources in Bwlch-newydd SA33 6 for those looking to help youngsters develop through using their senses.

Some more popular items we have include water play tables, sand pitsmud kitchens in Bwlch-newydd and musical instruments. These allow children to hear different noises and feel new textures. This is very important in early life development.

Why is Sensory Play Important?

Sensory play holds immense importance for children as it contributes significantly to their educational and developmental growth.

Engaging in sensory activities helps children explore the world around them in meaningful ways.

Through sensory play, children can enhance their cognitive abilities, improve fine and gross motor skills, and develop their social and emotional intelligence.

By engaging in activities that involve touch, smell, taste, sight, and sound, youngsters can make connections between their senses and the environment.

This hands-on approach to learning not only fosters creativity but also aids in problem-solving skills and language development.

Sensory experiences help children regulate their emotions and enhance their concentration and focus.

What are the Benefits of Sensory Play?

Sensory play is integral to children's development, offering a myriad of benefits across cognitive, physical, social, and emotional domains. Key benefits include:

  • Cognitive Development: Enhances memory, problem-solving skills, and the ability to process complex sensory information.
  • Motor Skills: Improves fine and gross motor skills through manipulation of different materials and engagement in physical activities.
  • Communication Skills: Encourages language development and vocabulary expansion as children describe their sensory experiences and interact with peers.
  • Social Interaction: Promotes cooperative play, sharing, and understanding social cues through group sensory activities.
  • Emotional Regulation: Helps children learn to regulate their emotional responses by providing calming sensory inputs or outlets for energy.
  • Sensory Integration: Supports the development of sensory integration, aiding children in processing and responding to sensory stimuli effectively.
  • Creativity and Exploration: Stimulates imagination and curiosity as children explore and experiment with different sensory materials and environments.

Sensory play is particularly beneficial for children with sensory processing issues, autism, or ADHD, offering tailored sensory experiences that can support their specific developmental needs.

What are the different Types of Sensory Playground Equipment?

Sensory playground equipment is designed to stimulate children's senses and support their cognitive development, social skills, and physical abilities. These types of equipment cater to various sensory experiences, including touch, sight, hearing, balance, and proprioception (sense of body position). Key types include:

  • Tactile Panels: Incorporate different textures and materials for touch exploration, promoting fine motor skills.
  • Musical Instruments: Outdoor drums, chimes, and xylophones engage the sense of hearing and encourage creative expression.
  • Visual Stimuli: Equipment with bright colours, mirrors, or optical illusions stimulates visual processing and attention.
  • Balance Equipment: Balance beams, wobble boards, and spinning items enhance vestibular (balance) and proprioceptive senses.
  • Scented Gardens: Incorporate plants with strong smells to stimulate the olfactory senses, encouraging interaction with nature.
  • Water Play: Fountains and water tables offer tactile and auditory stimulation, supporting exploratory learning.
  • Sandboxes: Provide sensory feedback through touch and proprioception, encouraging imaginative play and fine motor development.

Each type is designed to offer inclusive play opportunities, catering to children of all abilities, including those with sensory processing disorders or autism.


How much does Sensory Playground Equipment Cost?

The average cost of sensory playground equipment is £2,000 - £15,000.

However, the cost of sensory playground equipment can vary depending on the type, size, and complexity of the equipment. Factors such as installation, design, and additional features also impact the overall cost.

When considering installation expenses, it's essential to account for labour costs, site preparation, and any necessary permits.

Complex installations may require specialised equipment, increasing the overall cost.

Design plays a crucial role in pricing. Custom designs and intricate structures tend to be more expensive than standard off-the-shelf options.

The materials used, such as durable plastics or weather-resistant metals, can also affect pricing.

The inclusion of additional features like interactive elements, sound systems, or sensory lighting can significantly raise the cost.

Whilst these features enhance the sensory experience, they come with a price tag that reflects their innovation and technology.

How to make a Sensory Playground?

Creating a sensory playground involves careful planning and design to incorporate various sensory stimuli that engage all the senses. Here are steps and considerations to create an inclusive and stimulating sensory playground:

Assessment of Needs and Space

  • Identify the Users: Consider the age range and abilities of the children who will use the playground.
  • Space Evaluation: Assess the available space for safety, accessibility, and potential sensory zones.

Incorporating Sensory Elements

  • Tactile Areas: Include tactile panels, sandboxes, and water play areas for touch exploration.
  • Auditory Equipment: Install musical instruments like outdoor drums, chimes, and talking tubes to stimulate hearing.
  • Visual Stimuli: Use bright colours, mirrors, and lights for visual engagement. Consider adding visually stimulating plants in a sensory garden.
  • Olfactory Experiences: Incorporate scented plants and flowers in garden areas for smell.
  • Vestibular and Proprioceptive Activities: Add swings, balance beams, and climbing structures for movement and body awareness.

Design for Inclusivity

  • Accessibility: Ensure the playground is accessible to children with various abilities, including wheelchair access.
  • Safe Materials: Use non-toxic, durable, and safe materials for all equipment and surfaces.
  • Zoned Areas: Consider zoning areas to allow children to find spaces that suit their sensory needs at the time.

Community Involvement and Funding

  • Engage the Community: Involve parents, teachers, and children in the planning process to gather input and support.
  • Seek Funding: Explore funding opportunities through grants, local businesses, and fundraising events.

Installation and Safety

  • Professional Installation: Use qualified professionals to install equipment safely and securely.
  • Safety Surfacing: Implement appropriate surfacing under equipment to reduce injury risk.
  • Regular Maintenance: Plan for ongoing maintenance to keep the playground safe and inviting.

Evaluation and Adaptation

  • Feedback Mechanism: After completion, gather feedback from users and observers to identify any areas for improvement.
  • Adapt and Update: Be prepared to make changes and additions to the playground as needed to meet the evolving needs of its users.

Outdoor Sensory Toys in Bwlch-newydd

We provide a variety of outdoor sensory toys to help children grow and develop.

Some of the most popular toys include sand pits, mud kitchens and water tables. These all have different textures for the children to touch and feel.

This can help children develop in a number of different ways, which makes your school more likely to be marked better by OFSTED inspectors.

We would highly encourage schools to provide outdoor sense based toys to youngsters to improve key skills and help them learn and explore.


Sensory Play Ideas

Our experts can offer a variety of sensory play ideas to stimulate children's senses. These might include things like finger painting and playing musical instruments.

We would recommend taking part in these types of activities outdoors, as some activities could be messy.

In order to make the most out of the area, we would highly recommend using spaces where children can make a lot of mess which can be cleaned up easily. 

For more details on sensory play ideas, please complete the contact form provided and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Our experts have years of experience in the industry and will be happy to talk you through the different options available. We will also answer any questions you have got including prices and designs that could be created.

Messy Play Benefits

There are a range of messy play benefits which could help children develop key skills from a young age. Since it may be difficult for children to understand unique sensations within the environment, messy play activities can make it easier for them. Some messy play benefits include:

  • Better motor skills by building nerve connections to the brain for cognitive growth
  • Enhancement on memory which may help with problem solving
  • Improves social skills since youngsters can interact, share toys and products and play with one another
  • Improves handwriting, as grip and arm strength are improved
  • Can soothe nervous kids, as a lot of them are relaxing activities
  • Activities like finger painting and paper mache can help improve creativity skills

All of these benefits are great for children who have difficulty with learning abilities. Stimulating different senses is vital for both physical and mental skills.

If you need more information regarding the advantages of these activities please let us know.

How to Choose the Right Sensory Playground Equipment?

Selecting the right sensory playground equipment involves considering factors such as age appropriateness, developmental benefits, and safety features.

Collaboration with teachers and partnerships with educational experts can aid in choosing equipment that aligns with learning objectives.

When selecting sensory playground equipment, it's crucial to take into account the specific age group that will be using the equipment.


For younger children, colourful and interactive elements that engage their senses are ideal, while older children might benefit from more challenging and stimulating options.

Understanding the developmental advantages of different equipment is vital. For example, equipment that encourages balance and coordination can help improve motor skills, while activities that promote problem-solving and creativity can boost cognitive development.

Prioritising safety considerations is non-negotiable. Ensuring that the equipment meets safety standards, such as soft landing surfaces and proper installation, is essential to prevent injuries and create a secure environment for play.

Consider Age and Developmental Stage

When choosing sensory playground equipment, it is crucial to consider children's age and developmental stage. This factor helps refine the search for equipment that offers the most appropriate sensory experiences based on developmental needs.

By taking into account the specific stages of growth and maturity of the child, parents, educators, and playground designers can curate a play environment that stimulates and supports individual development.

Understandably, a toddler's sensory requirements differ vastly from those of a pre-teen; thus, it's vital to select equipment that aligns with these unique needs.

Considering factors such as cognitive abilities, motor skills, and emotional development can ensure that the chosen equipment provides not only fun but also opportunities for learning and growth.

Think about Sensory Preferences

Taking into account children's sensory preferences is vital in choosing the right playground equipment.

Understanding how different sensory experiences stimulate children's senses can guide the selection of equipment that caters to their individual preferences.

For instance, incorporating elements that provide tactile sensations, such as textured surfaces or materials like sand and water, can offer tactile stimulation.

In addition, equipment that encourages vestibular input, like swings and spinning platforms, can help with balance and coordination development.

Moreover, auditory stimuli, such as musical instruments or interactive panels, can engage children's auditory senses, adding another dimension to their play experience.

By aligning playground equipment with these sensory preferences, children can explore, learn, and have fun in a holistic and enriching way.

Consider Safety and Durability

Safety and durability are paramount considerations when choosing sensory playground equipment.

Ensuring that the equipment is safe for children to use and durable enough to withstand outdoor conditions is crucial for a positive play experience.

In terms of safety, selecting equipment that meets safety standards and guidelines is essential. Look for features such as rounded edges, secure fittings, and non-toxic materials to minimise the risk of injuries.

Additionally, regular maintenance and inspection routines are crucial to ensure that the equipment remains safe over time.

For durability, opt for materials like stainless steel, powder-coated aluminium, or heavy-duty plastic that can withstand various weather conditions and heavy use.

Reinforced joints and sturdy construction are also key factors that contribute to the longevity of the equipment.

Look for Multi-Sensory Options

Opting for multi-sensory playground equipment provides children with diverse and engaging play experiences.

These options offer a variety of stimulating activities that cater to different senses, creating an exciting and interactive play environment.

With multi-sensory playground equipment, kids can engage in activities that not only entertain but also stimulate their cognitive and physical development.

The incorporation of elements that appeal to various senses like touch, sight, and sound enhances sensory perception and fosters exploration.

By offering a range of textures, shapes, colours, and sounds, these playgrounds encourage children to discover and interact with their surroundings in a dynamic and engaging way.

What are some Examples of Sensory Play Equipment?

Examples of sensory play equipment include sensory tables, textured walls, musical play panels, and balance beams.

These equipment pieces offer children a range of activities to engage their senses and promote interactive play.

Sensory tables provide a tactile experience where children can explore various textures and materials through touch.

Textured walls offer a sensory delight by encouraging children to feel different surfaces using their hands.

Musical play panels engage children's auditory senses, allowing them to create sounds and rhythms.

Balance beams promote proprioception and balance skills as kids walk or crawl across them, enhancing their awareness of body movement.


Each of these equipment pieces caters to different sensory needs, fostering overall sensory development in children.

What is a Sensory Playground?

A sensory playground is a specially designed outdoor space where children can engage in a variety of activities that entertain and stimulate their senses.

Refining the search for the right sensory playground involves considering elements that ensure children's entertainment and sensory engagement.

Key elements that contribute to an engaging sensory playground include a mix of sensory experiences like colorful visuals, different textures, fragrances, and sounds that cater to various senses.

The incorporation of interactive elements such as musical instruments, tactile panels, and water features enhances the overall sensory stimulation.

Ensuring safety measures like soft flooring, well-maintained equipment, and easy access for children of all abilities is crucial.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a SEN Playground?

A SEN (Special Educational Needs) playground is specifically designed to cater to children with special educational needs, including those with physical disabilities, sensory impairments, autism spectrum disorders, and other cognitive or learning difficulties.

These playgrounds are crafted to provide a safe, inclusive, and stimulating environment that supports the developmental needs of all children, with a particular focus on accessibility and sensory stimulation. Key features of SEN playgrounds include:

  • Inclusive Design: Ensures that children of all abilities can access and enjoy the playground, with features like wheelchair-accessible paths, ramps, and play equipment.
  • Sensory Stimulation: Incorporates elements that stimulate the senses, such as tactile paths, auditory musical instruments, visually stimulating play panels, and sensory gardens with scented and textured plants.
  • Therapeutic Equipment: Includes specialized equipment that supports physical therapy and sensory integration therapy, like swings that provide vestibular stimulation or climbing structures that enhance motor skills and proprioception.
  • Safe and Comfortable Environment: Utilises non-toxic, durable materials and provides shaded areas, seating, and quiet zones where children can relax or take a break if they feel overwhelmed.
  • Social Interaction Spaces: Encourages cooperative play and social interaction through design that fosters communication and collaboration among children.

What are the Sensory Areas of a Playground?

Sensory areas in a playground are designated zones specifically designed to stimulate one or more of the five senses: touch, sight, hearing, smell, and taste, along with the vestibular (balance) and proprioceptive (body awareness) senses.

These areas are crucial for children's sensory development, providing diverse experiences that support learning and development. Here's an overview of typical sensory areas found in a playground:

  • Tactile Area
  • Visual Area
  • Auditory Area
  • Olfactory Area
  • Gustatory Area
  • Vestibular Area
  • Proprioceptive Area


At what Age is it Appropriate to Introduce Sensory Play Equipment?

Sensory play equipment can be introduced to children as young as 6 months old.

However, the type of equipment and level of complexity should be age-appropriate and supervised by an adult.

How can I Incorporate Sensory Play Equipment into my Child's Daily Routine?

You can incorporate sensory play equipment into your child's daily routine by setting aside a specific time for sensory play, choosing activities that align with their interests, and rotating the equipment to keep it fresh and engaging.

Is Sensory Play Equipment Safe for Children?

Sensory play equipment is generally safe for children when used properly and with adult supervision.

It is essential to regularly check the equipment for any broken or loose pieces and to ensure that the materials used are non-toxic and age-appropriate.

Enquire Today

If you would like more information on our sensory activities in Bwlch-newydd SA33 6 then please enquire today using the contact box provided.


We'll reply as soon as possible with answers to any questions that you may have and details on costs and designs available.

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