7 Areas of Learning in Farnley

7 Areas of Learning in Farnley

We can offer products and equipment to comply with the 7 areas of learning to ensure children develop correctly.

Educational Play Activities in Farnley

Educational Play Activities in Farnley

If you are interested in setting up educational play activities at your school or nursery, our team offer competitive prices for a number of facilities.

EYFS Currciulum in Farnley

EYFS Currciulum in Farnley

We offer products and resources to meet up with the EYFS curriculum to ensure children are developing at the correct speed.

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7 Areas of Learning in Farnley

In early childhood education, there are 7 key areas of learning that play a crucial role in child development.

From personal, social, and emotional development to mathematics and literacy skills, each area is essential for a child's growth and learning.

There are 7 areas of learning in Farnley LS12 5 which you will need to incorporate into your primary school. The 7 key-areas are known nationwide and should be presented in every school.


We are professionals who have been in the industry for many years, we can offer a number of products to meet the 7 key-areas of learning.

For more information on these key-areas, please speak to a member of our professional team today.

What are the 7 Areas of Learning?

The 7 areas of learning are:

  • Communication and Language
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Physical Development
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

The 7 areas of learning encompass various aspects crucial for children's holistic development in the Early Years Curriculum.

Communication serves as a fundamental skill that aids children in expressing thoughts, emotions, and ideas effectively. It enhances their ability to interact with others, fostering social connections and building relationships.

Language development not only give the power to them to comprehend and communicate but also lays the foundation for literacy skills later on.

Personal, Social, and Emotional Development focuses on self-awareness, empathy, and social skills, cultivating emotional intelligence and resilience.

Physical Development promotes gross and fine motor skills, coordination, and an active lifestyle, contributing to overall well-being and physical health.

Mathematics introduces concepts of logic, problem-solving, and critical thinking, essential for analytical skills.

Understanding the World broadens their horizons by exploring diverse cultures, environments, and scientific principles, promoting curiosity and inquisitiveness.

Expressive Arts and Design encourage creativity, imagination, and self-expression through various mediums, allowing children to unleash their artistic potential.


Why are the 7 Areas of Learning Important?

The 7 areas of learning hold paramount importance in nurturing children's growth, fostering a comprehensive understanding of various skills and concepts essential for their overall development.

Through the 7 areas of learning, children are not only equipped with academic knowledge but also develop social skills, creativity, physical abilities, and emotional intelligence.

Each area plays a crucial role in shaping their cognitive processes and building a strong foundation for future learning endeavours.

By focusing on these different aspects, educators can create a well-rounded educational experience that caters to the holistic development of every child, ensuring that they are prepared to face the challenges of the ever-evolving world around them.

What are the Prime Areas of Learning?

The prime-areas of learning are a number of different skills that can improve children's development and abilities in later life. The products we provide offer a range of skills for children to learn.

The stages include communication, physical development and other specific parts of education.

The prime areas refer to a number of crucial stages in early life. It is essential that children learn new skills at the early years foundation stage to ensure the develop communication, physical and emotional skills.

Since children are taking part in educational activities and growing they need the extra equipment and resource to help them develop.

This may include a range of games and activities which can be added to their surrounding areas. 

If you'd like more information regarding the primary spaces, please complete the contact form provided and we'll get back to you right away. 

What are the Different Teaching Approaches for the 7 Areas of Learning?

Various teaching approaches cater to the diverse needs of children across the 7 areas of learning, emphasizing unique methodologies to engage, inspire, and facilitate growth in different aspects of their development.

One effective strategy is the use of play-based learning, where children learn through exploration and experimentation, fostering their creativity and problem-solving skills.


Additionally, project-based learning encourages in-depth investigations, helping children connect theoretical knowledge with practical applications.

Moreover, collaborative learning fosters social skills and teamwork, enhancing communication and empathy among children.

By incorporating multisensory activities, educators can cater to diverse learning styles, ensuring every child has an opportunity to excel in areas that suit their strengths.

Play-based Learning

Play-based learning offers a dynamic approach to education, allowing children to engage in hands-on activities, exploration, and creative play to enhance their learning experiences and foster holistic development.

Through play, children effectively develop skills across the 7 areas of learning, thus promoting cognitive, physical, and social-emotional growth.

Critical thinking is sharpened as they face challenges, make decisions, and solve problems during play, fostering a sense of independence and self-confidence.

This active learning process encourages children to experiment, learn from mistakes, and think creatively.

Play-based learning nurtures social interaction and collaboration among peers, helping children build strong communication skills, empathy, and teamwork abilities from a young age.

By engaging in play, children develop resilience, adaptability, and a positive attitude towards learning, setting a strong foundation for their academic journey and future success.

Montessori Method

The Montessori Method offers a child-centric approach to education, promoting self-directed learning, hands-on exploration, and individualised instruction to support children's holistic development across the 7 areas of learning.

One of the fundamental principles of the Montessori Method is fostering independence in children, allowing them to take charge of their own learning journey.

By encouraging self-reliance and decision-making, Montessori classrooms give the power to students to learn at their own pace and explore topics of interest.

Through practical life activities like pouring, dressing, and cleaning, children develop practical skills that not only aid in daily life but also enhance their cognitive abilities.

Personalised learning experiences play a crucial role in the Montessori environment, where teachers observe each child's unique strengths and interests to tailor instruction accordingly.

Reggio Emilia Approach

The Reggio Emilia Approach emphasizes creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking, encouraging children to explore, create, and express themselves through various mediums to develop skills across the 7 areas of learning.

This approach is deeply rooted in the belief that children are capable, resourceful learners who should have control over their learning process emphasizing artistic expression, project-based learning, community involvement. By providing a supportive environment that values:

  • Individuality
  • Collaboration
  • Curiosity

Children are encouraged to meaningfully engage with their surroundings, fostering a sense of belonging and respect for others.

Through meaningful projects and interactions, children's creative thinking abilities are nurtured, leading to holistic development in various aspects of their life.


Waldorf Education

Waldorf Education emphasises holistic development, artistic expression, and experiential learning, nurturing children's individual strengths, creativity, and independence across the 7 areas of learning.

By focusing on creative exploration and imaginative play, Waldorf Education encourages children to learn through hands-on experiences that engage their senses and ignite their curiosity.

This child-centred approach values each student's unique talents, fostering a sense of self-awareness and emotional intelligence alongside academic growth.

Through a holistic curriculum that integrates arts, movement, and nature, Waldorf Education cultivates a well-rounded learning experience that promotes not only cognitive development but also societal skills and ethical values.

High Scope Approach

The High Scope Approach emphasises active learning, adult-child interactions, and structured routines to create enabling environments that support children's learning, exploration, and development in the 7 areas of learning.

Through participatory learning experiences, children are encouraged to actively engage in hands-on activities that promote discovery and problem-solving.

Adult support plays a crucial role in scaffolding children's learning by providing guidance, encouragement, and opportunities for reflection.

Structured experiences, such as daily routines and planned activities, help children develop a sense of predictability and stability, enhancing their overall well-being and sense of security.

This approach fosters holistic development across cognitive, social, emotional, physical, creative, and language domains, setting a strong foundation for lifelong learning and success.

Direct Instruction

Direct Instruction offers a teacher-led approach to education, providing explicit guidance, structured lessons, and targeted interventions to support children's learning and development in the 7 areas of learning.

It centres around the belief that teachers play a vital role in shaping students' educational experiences through direct engagement and interactive instruction.

This method emphasises skill mastery by breaking down concepts into manageable steps, fostering comprehension and retention.

By utilising systematic teaching strategies, Direct Instruction ensures a sequential progression of lessons, building upon prior knowledge to facilitate deeper understanding.

The approach acknowledges the diverse learning needs of students and tailors interventions accordingly, promoting active participation and engagement across various domains of learning.

Through clear objectives and consistent feedback, teachers guide students towards achieving proficiency and fostering a strong foundation for future academic success.

Project-based Learning

Project-based learning immerses children in real-world projects, fostering collaboration, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills across the 7 areas of learning, providing hands-on opportunities for exploration and growth.

Through project-based learning, students are encouraged to work together in teams, enhancing their social skills and ability to communicate effectively.

These collaborative projects also allow them to see the value of different perspectives and ideas, promoting open-mindedness and empathy.

The hands-on nature of these projects engages students in a more profound way, making learning experiences memorable and impactful.

By integrating various subjects and skills into a single project, learners develop a holistic understanding of concepts, fostering interdisciplinary connections and enhancing their creativity.


Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum

It is important for schools to take into consideration the early years foundation stage curriculum.

We provide a range of activities and educational resources to fit in with the EYFS curriculum and ensure children learn the essential skills.

In order to help child development we offer a number of things like mud kitchens, water play tables, interactive wall panels and more.

This will improve the children's experience when playing on the playground and encourage them to build new friendships. 

As experts in the play industry, we offer the very best equipment to create spaces which comply with primary school curriculum.

If you'd like to speak to us about the different products we offer, please complete the contact form provided. As soon as we receive the enquiry we'll respond right away.

Educational Play Near Me

If you're looking for educational play facilities nearby you, our local installers may offer a variety of products to improve your area.

One of the key skills to learn is attention and listening. We incorporate these skills into educational play to help children understand and improve social skills.

Communication and language is another area which children in Farnley LS12 5 need to develop. 

To find out about the different educational play equipment we provide, please speak to a member of our specialist team.

We have years of experience in the play industry and can offer the very best games for children to play and develop their skills and abilities. 

Play Based Learning in Farnley

We can offer a range of play based learning products including water play tables, mud kitchens in Farnley and activity wall panels. These are all designed to help children learn new skills and develop existing ones.

We are professionals when it comes to installing these pieces of equipment.

Play based learning is an essential part of child development to ensure they are having fun whilst gaining new skills.

Outdoor Learning Near Me

We provide various equipment to help with outdoor learning. These include facilities like outdoor classrooms, story telling spaces, den making equipment and more.

These types of products are perfect for developing communication skills as well as other abilities.

To find out more about outdoor learning equipment, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will get back to you as soon as possible with a helpful response.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it Important to Focus on the 7 Areas of Learning?

Focusing on the 7 Areas of Learning allows for a well-rounded and holistic approach to a child's development.

Each area addresses different aspects of a child's growth, from social and emotional skills to academic abilities.

By addressing all 7 areas, children have the opportunity to develop a wide range of skills and knowledge that will support their overall growth and success in life.

How are the 7 Areas of Learning Integrated into Early Education Programmes?

The 7 Areas of Learning are integrated into early education programmes through various activities, experiences, and lessons.

For example, a child may learn about communication and language through storytelling and role-playing activities, or develop their physical abilities through outdoor play and sports activities.

Educators use the framework to plan and design activities that target each area of learning.


How can Parents Support their Child's Development in the 7 Areas of Learning?

Parents can support their child's development in the 7 Areas of Learning by providing a nurturing and stimulating environment at home.

This can include engaging in activities that promote language development, encouraging physical play and movement, and providing opportunities for social interactions with peers.

Additionally, parents can communicate with educators to understand the specific learning goals and areas that their child may need extra support in.

Are the 7 Areas of Learning only Applicable to Early Education?

The 7 Areas of Learning are not only applicable to early education.

While they are commonly used in early childhood education, the national curriculum framework can also be utilised in later stages of education to guide curriculum development and learning objectives.

Additionally, the skills and knowledge acquired in each area of learning are transferable and applicable to various stages of life.

How can the 7 Areas of Learning Impact a Child's Future Success?

The 7 Areas of Learning play a crucial role in a child's future success.

By addressing all areas of development, children are equipped with a well-rounded set of skills and knowledge that can support their academic and personal growth.

The social and emotional skills acquired through the 7 Areas of Learning can also play a significant role in a child's ability to build relationships, adapt to new situations, and excel in various areas of their life.

Find Out More

We would be happy to offer more information on the 7 areas of learning in Farnley LS12 5 if necessary.


If you are interested in having activities installed at your school to improve child development, please contact us now using the enquiry form.

We will be able to provide you with details on services we provide including costs and prices.

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